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There is no obligation to be active or join events as we understand that many of us have a busy life. However, the more active we all are the more fun WHU will be :)


There is no obligation to be active in the game or in the club to stay a member as we understand that most of us will have busy lives. However, the more active we are, the more fun we will have in WHU :)



1. You have to be 18 years old or over​​​​​​

     This is an adult club made to give adult players a place to be themselves and share their love of the game and horses

2. You need to be star rider

     This is to be able to access areas where events will happen and be able to communicate via the chat

3. You need discord

     With the strict censorship and chat bans on the sso chat a second platform to communicate with during events is necessary. Activities such as Dressage and Western Drill Team training will require the use of the voice chat, however, there is no obligations to talk via the microphone if you're not comfortable.


1. Dress Code - Club uniforms are not mandatory, but highly reccomended. Uniforms are only mandatory for dressage or western competitions where filming will be involved. These activities are also not mandatoryWe do not expect this to be in place on day one. It will take some time to save up Jorvik Shillings for those who do not like spending Star Coins, so take the time you need.

2. Etiquette - Say hi to club members in the club chat when they log on and if you have time, say goodbye as you depart.

You don't need to keep a conversation, but a simple hello makes everyone feel welcome when they log on (sounds a bit stupid, but trust me it's great to be welcomed by everyone even if you have no plans on chatting :D )

3. Behaviour - clubs always have a responsibility to address behaviour that offends community standards or is against the law (for example, racial vilification, sexual harassment, cyber bullying).

Online sexual harassment can range from sending someone pornographic content to making disparaging remarks in chatrooms about someone’s gender. Online stalking, name-calling, humiliation, jokes, remarks, sexual innuendos, sexual advances or explicit materials could all meet the definition of sexual harassment. Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as online bullying. Cyberbullying is when someone bullies or harasses others on the internet and in other digital spaces. Harmful bullying behaviour can include posting rumours, threats, sexual remarks, a victims' personal information, or pejorative labels (i.e. hate speech). Bullying or harassment can be identified by repeated behaviour and an intent to harm. Victims of cyberbulling may experience lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of negative emotional responses including being scared, frustrated, angry, or depressed. If you find something to be sexually offensive or harassing online that impacted your life, Please bring it to the attention of your club leaders immediately so that it can be addressed.

Adult related topics will only be discussed in sso club chat and sso group chat (if in group chat it is your responsibility to ensure other members are of a suitable age for the discussion taking place), never in global or say chat. This is to protect those who are underage. As adults and parents, we have a moral responsibility to protect those who are vulnerable. Also be aware some topics you consider ok to discuss with other adults may be in breach of SSO Rules.

4. Abide by Star Stable Online's Rules.



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