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Dressage in SSO is a bit different from dressage in real life. I mainly consist of everyone doing different dressage inspired exercises in union. This might seem easy enough, but it takes a lot of practice and teamwork to make this look good. The activity holder will have a routine planned out and will teach this to the rest of the group. It will often take more sessions working on the same routine for it to sit properly. When we're happy with the result a show can be put on and advertised in the global chat for everyone who wants to see


Dressage activities are a bit more strict than other activities as it requires the same people to attend more sessions. If you wish to be part of the dressage team you therefore need to be an active player. It is however allowed to come for taster sessions if you're not sure about the activity.

This is the main activity where the club uniform is required. We will give new members time to save up shilling to get the uniform, but we do expect progress in this area over time. 

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